martes, 30 de noviembre de 2021

POST 8: English Language Challenges

 Hi guys! 

Today I’m going to talk about my English classes...So, I’ve always thought the subject to be interesting. I think it’s very necessary and useful to have an English class in the study program, which is something new, it didn’t really happen before, not in the Art Department at least. 

The teacher is very nice, always comprehensive and trying to give the best sources for us to learn. The thing is that even though it's in the program, the class is not plannified for each career, it’s more of a transversal subject for all the art departments which could be really big so we don’t share the same realities or english levels. I know I know, you probably are thinking now: Don’t they test us? Sure they do, but it’s an online test with limited time which I really think it’s bull. You cannot test someone’s English speaking level on an online standardized test where you don’t even have to speak to someone in the language you are being tested on. Okey, well sorry for that, going back to what I was trying to say it’s that by not sharing the same reality the class passes to be a background subject and not a really important one, ‘cause everybody it's worried about their one careers and main subjects which are more interesting or more important to pass. 

On the other hand I really think that the aspect I need to fortify the most it’s my brain translating Spanish to English. I'm aware that this is a common problem for Spanish speakers when they are learning a new language. Here is an example, when you think or say in spanish: “la chaqueta de cuero roja” in English the order it's different, kind of backwards: “the red leather jacket”. One of my many plans in response to that difficulty it’s to travel, that’s my answer to all my problems: to travel, no kidding, I think it's the best way to learn a new language, to practice it… and what a best way of doing that than not having any option that to speak it? há. It’s really hard to try to learn in a spanish speaking country, the most I use english it’s by not speaking it but to listen to it, like when I watch tv series or movies, I try to always watch them in english and sometimes I don’t need to subtitle them to spanish or if I do subtitle them I do it to english, so that way I learn and get better on my grammar. 


martes, 16 de noviembre de 2021

POST 7: Changes to your Study Program.


There is no doubt that I have questioned the changes that my study program at University could have. Actually, in fact, when I entered school my generation was the first to experience the new study program at Acting mayor in years. Before that everything was different, now  it is more theoretical than practical, and I think that has to change, it’s very important for me to have theoretical approaches but to put the on the field later, and that did not happen here, in fact, on this present, realizing that I’ve less than six months to finish the career I still feel there has been a bad distribution of how they taught the subjects or even why some classes where being taught at all. I think there were a lot of gaps in the program I had and my generation was kind of a lab rat for the theater department because some things didn’t actually work as they thought and they only realized that when it happened, and that was with us. So that wasn’t fun. Of course I learned a lot of things but the experience was intense, it was like being in the middle of something that anyone really knew how to do, so that I hope changes for future generations. 

So, about that. It also happened that there was a very bad distribution of time destined to each subject and we ended up having to read about 10 texts for each week, no mention of the practical work we had to do outside class. Even though there is a good communication between teachers they could equiparate times much better. This actually got better when the pandemic started, but when we got back to non online school it’s happening again.

Now if we talk about infrastructure I think that Acting Mayor has the worst conditions for their students, the classrooms are not fit for us to train and the electronic sistem it's obsolete, meaning that students can get electrocuted by plugging in their cell phones. And I know this because it happened to a friend. So this is urgent to solve. It’s also a problem that every year they admit more and more students and I don’t see them fit at all in a few years in the tiny space we have so I think they can't rely on staying here and they should maybe start thinking on moving somewhere else and bigger.

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2021

POST 6: Time Travel to the Future.

 Hi everyone!

The future is something that’s always on my mind. I’m a dreamy person and I love to imagine myself in a thousand sceneries that could or could not happen in my life, even though sometimes it scares me just to think about the word “future” and I live in a constant contradiction about that. Where would a trip to my own future take me? I don’t know, I think it could take me anywhere, but right now I would like somewhere calm and peaceful where people wouldn't have to deal with injustices, calamities or anything, only happiness even though it sounds uthopic, but that is my dreamy imagination. I imagine the future a bit like a fantastic movie hahaha I would like it to be sustainable, that global warming suddenly stopped, and all those blinded by things.

The earth I imagine is maybe something totally different as what we now know it, probably it's in another universe. When I think of the future I imagine the destruction or evolution of what already exists to accomplish something better, a new era. I would like to visit that earth of the future because it gives me hope. I think that there is so much suffering in life and mankind. It's so horrible that thinking of a future where that could change gives me peace. I imagine this future years away though. I don’t think of it as something close in time to us, maybe because the kind of  things I imagine do not exist in the present, maybe I won’t even love or see that future I imagine. Who knows? everything is possible.

Would I like to stay there? Of course, in my mind the construction of that future is endless, the best fantastic movie there is. Well, truth is that after a while thinking about it I don’t think I would stay much in that earth without name and I would come back to this one, where I belong and try to make things better so someday it would become what is on my mind. I will always think that details make a great difference and who knows that in the future those details could make a great change for every living species. 

POST 8: English Language Challenges

  Hi guys!  Today I’m going to talk about my English classes...So, I’ve always thought the subject to be interesting. I think it’s very ne...